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IRAC Annual Plan (FY2002)

This annual plan was prepared by technical representatives of the interagency Food Safety Risk Assessment Consortium (RAC) in response to ideas proposed at the March 2001 quarterly RAC meeting. The plan corresponds to the four goals outlined in the RAC charter. A number of the projects are ongoing and a number of the projects address more than one goal. Not all tasks will be completed within FY2002.

1. Identify data gaps and research needs relevant for food safety risk assessments.

A) Begin to identify and assess available risk assessment methodologies for comparing acute & chronic risks. (comparative risk-ranking work group activity) [Deliverable: Draft inventory and description of methodologies for discussion at spring 2002 quarterly meeting]

B) Invite RAC agencies to present their food and water sampling programs including their associated sampling plans, performance characteristics (operating characteristics curves) etc. Discuss the usefulness for potential food safety risk assessments and feasibility of expanding one or more of these programs to include collection of quantitative microbial data. [Deliverable: inventory of sampling programs from agencies for discussion at spring 2002 quarterly meeting]

C) Continue to participate in interagency discussions on the development and implementation of economic valuation methods and their use in cost benefit and risk analysis. [Deliverable: ERS presentation at quarterly RAC meeting in winter of 2001]

2. Improve risk assessment research, reduce unnecessary redundancies, encourage multi-disciplinary efforts.

A) Review existing microbiological risk assessment frameworks, while contributing to the development of EPA's MRA guidance. (MRAF work group activity) [Deliverable: Draft evaluation of framework elements, presentation at International Conference]

B) Co-sponsor the 1st International Conference on Microbiological Risk Assessment: Foodborne Hazards. (Prospectus) [Deliverable: Conference proceedings]

C) Host a public meeting that focuses on risk assessment of dietary contaminants including discussion on the similarities and differences between chemical and microbial risk assessment methods and models (Public meeting should immediately precede the International Conference) [Deliverable: none]

D) Participate in the Annual ARS-FSIS Research Meeting. [Deliverable: Informal notes distributed to RAC members]

E) Continue to interact with JIFSR. [Deliverable: none]

F) Invite RAC member agencies to give informal presentations to the RAC on current risk assessment activities for BSE and genetically engineered foods. (quarterly meeting activity) [Deliverable: presentations at winter 2001 and spring 2002 quarterly meeting]

G) Identify priority cross-cutting food safety issues involving microbial and non-microbiological hazards by establishing an aggregate dietary exposures (ADE) workgroup. [ADE work group activity] [Deliverable: The workgroup will recommend a RAC project to the Policy Council for initiation this fiscal year.]

3. Identify and catalogue risk assessment methods, models and data sets. Provide broad access through the Clearinghouse.

A) Continue to build an international inventory of food safety risk assessments for posting on the Clearinghouse website. [Deliverable: agencies provide updated list at each quarterly RAC meeting]

B) Identify current efforts in risk assessment of biotech foods, BSE, viruses and other foodborne hazards. [Deliverable: agencies provide updated list at each quarterly RAC meeting]

C) Identify data and models for linking or posting. Ask each agency to specifically suggest links or data. (Clearinghouse workgroup activity). [Deliverable: agencies provide updated list at each quarterly RAC meeting]

D) Review Clearinghouse manuscript that outlines a "gold standard" for data quality. (Clearinghouse workgroup activity) [Deliverable: comments on manuscript]

E) Assist the Clearinghouse in compiling an international food safety risk assessors directory for posting on the Clearinghouse website. [Deliverable: List of contacts provided by each agency to Clearinghouse].

4. Provide advice and serve as a technical resource for member agencies.

A) Reassess RAC dose-response workgroup activities in light of the research results from the FDA/CFSAN dose-response grants. Explore interagency collaborations on further research. (Dose-response workgroup) [Deliverable: workgroup analysis and presentation at summer 2002 annual meeting]

B) Provide input on ORACBA sensitivity analysis project. [Deliverable: ORACBA presentation at spring 2002 quarterly meeting activity]