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V[ES-IFS].[Reference #], [ES-IFS].[Author 1] !B "B # $ %B &B ' ( *|Reference #      m{ObBi+ )Author 1      m      9ج#OK؈SI )Author 2 S     m      mƂAl  )Author 3      m      HpyAbh )Author 4      m      yIC@ـa:a )Author 5 o     m      L4m@\`VQ ) Title 7     m      8jNU&09 )Journal }     m      0k.`C6 )$Microorganism 1 l     m      )$Microorganism 2      m      )rYear       m   )  LVALMR2ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion NavPane CategoryUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs BuildHasOfflineLists>Picture Property Storage Format.CheckTruncatedNumFieldsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width*NavPane Category NameNavPane View ByNavPane Sort By>Show Navigation Pane Search BarWebDesignMode&Theme Resource Name    09.50    ^ F               Office ThemeMR2ANSI Query Mode(Themed Form ControlsAccessVersion NavPane CategoryUseMDIMode ShowDocumentTabs BuildHasOfflineLists>Picture Property Storage Format.CheckTruncatedNumFieldsProjVerNavPane ClosedNavPane Width*NavPane Category NameNavPane View 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